What a lovely summer it has been. After a heat wave end to spring, it felt as though we were in for another blistering, long, hot summer. What a relief to be wrong. Plants are happy, flowering and flourishing. Days are mild and the rain has been regular, topping up tanks just when we need it. Birds are nesting, insects are busy, kangaroos are over their heads in grass, farmers are smiling and gardeners are madly planting.
A year of transformation The last twelve months have been trying to say the least. A year ago water restrictions reached level 4 in Tamworth. This meant that plant sales came to virtually a standstill. Interest in gardening dropped off a cliff and, within four months, work had all but dried up. By September we were running out of water and having to cart from town. Spring saw early heat, continued dry and blossom crisping on the fruit trees. There were no cherries for the second year running. The nursery had to be abandoned in November and all stock relocated to Nelson Bay in order to retain some form of value. The fires, smoke and record heat saw not much market there either. When the rains came, hope came with it and in March it was decided to try the market back at home ... just in time for shutdown! However, it is so good to be home and to be surrounded by green. Now we are trying selling our plants and produce online. Bear with us as we navigate this new area. If you're interested in what we have, take a look. We are going to offer delivery to the local areas of Tamworth and Loomberah with a possibility to extend to surrounds. Hether loves plants! Especially those that are a little bit different or unexpected!
As the drought at home bit in hard and Tamworth reached level five water restrictions, Hether found herself running out of water and a source of income. With a twenty year career on the line she made the unexpected move of packing up her nursery and moving it to her families' home of Nelson Bay. Within a week the drought stressed plants began to flourish again and now need new homes. The family owned fun park, Toboggan Hill Park, has become the unexpected host of a brand new nursery featuring a fun selection of different, colourful, hardy and unique varieties. |
A unique range of plants: Archives